Orlando is 14 years old and in his last year of Middle School at the INEB School in San Martin Chiquito.

SKU Orlando_L_
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Eulogio is 7 years old and comes from San Martin Chiquito where he is a first grader in elementary school.

SKU Eulogio_L_
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Carlos is 10 years old and in 4th grade at the La Cumbre elementary school which he attends every morning. He enjoys the math classes most.

SKU Carlos_U_
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11-year-old Cristian is in 5th grade at the La Cumbre school, which he attends every morning. His favorite course is mathematics.

SKU Cristian_T_
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Luis is 9 years old and from the village of La Cumbre where he is a 3rd grade student at Elementary School there.

SKU Luis_M_
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Cataria (Maribel) is in her second year at high school in the America Moderna School, specializing in Administration studies.

SKU Maribel_R_
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Pedro is 30 years old and attending his second year of college at the Mariano Galvez University studying marketing.

SKU Pedro_L_
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Yeimy is 21 years old and in her third year of nursing studies at Galileo University in Quetzaltenango.

SKU Yeimy_G_
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