

Friday, 26 May 2017 11:10

Our Valued Partners

We recognize that partnering is essential for long-term success. We are deeply grateful to all the following organizations for helping us realize our mission.

United States

• AMB Foundation
• Arthur B. Schultz Foundation
• Atkinson Foundation
• Direct Relief International
• Harvey Mudd College
• International Foundation
• La Verne FRESH Certified Farmers Market
• Lighthouse Foursquare Church
• MAP International
• Moreno Valley Farmers Market
• Northwood High School Spanish Club
• Peace Corps
• Pitzer College
• Riverside Farmers Market
• Rotary Club District 5320, CA
• Rotary Club of Avalon District, CA
• Rotary Club of Huntington Beach, CA
• Rotary Club of Los Alamitos/Seal Beach, CA
• Rotary Club of Placentia, CA
• Rotary Club of Signal, CA
• SG Foundation
• St. Matthew Ecumenical Catholic Community
• The Rotary Foundation International
• United Church of Christ of Claremont
• VOSH - Volunteer Optometrists Serving Humanity


• Centro de Salud San Martin Sacatepéquez
• Centro de Salúdd, Municipalidad de San Martín Chiquito
• Comisión Municipal de Salud
• Comité de Desarrollo de Loblatzan
• Comité de Desarrollo de San Martín Chiquito
• Comité Desarrollo de la Estancia
• Comité Desarrollo de San José Más Allá
• Cruz Roja España
• Effinghan Illinois Rotary Club District 6490
• Escuela de Auxiliares de Enfermerña.
• Escuela de Español ICA
• Escuela de Español Juan Sisay
• Escuela de Primaria Loblatzan
• Escuela de Primaria San Martín Chiquito
• Fisioterapia Hospital general
• Guatemalan Consul General of Los Angeles
• Guatemalan Consul General of San Francisco
• Hopital General, Quetzaltenango
• Hospital General de Occidente.
• Hotel Casa del Mundo, Lake Attitlan
• Hotel Modelo, Quetzaltenango
• Inspector de Saneamiento Ambiental de San Martín
• Instituto de Basico de San Martín Chiquito
• Instituto por Cooperativa Las Nubes
• Mayor of Quetzaltenango
• Mayor of San Martín Chiquito
• Ministerio de Educación, San Martín Sacatepequez
• Ministerio de Salud Pública, San Martín Sacatepequez
• Office of the President of Guatemala
• Pastoral de Salud
• Rotary Club District XXX, GUA (CHECK NUMBER)
• Rotary Club of Quetzaltenango (CHECK NAME)
• SOSEP - Project of the First Lady of Guatemala


Tuesday, 11 April 2017 15:05

About Xela AID

Our Approach

Getting an education and a good job go hand in hand in breaking the cycle of poverty. We also know that children who are hungry or sick can’t learn, and can’t attend school if their parents need them to work in the field to make ends meet. That's why Xela AID pursues integrated solutions to remove obstacles to education. Some of these solutions include health care, mental health care, a pure drinking water/sanitation and hygiene program, emergency services and more.

The Scope of Our Work

Xela AID’s programs serve about 6,000 people each year. During our more than two decades of operation, these programs have increased the number of girls studying from just 4% to more than 50%, and increased the number of years our students remain in school from just four years (age 6-10) to 12 years (age 6-18). We’ve graduated more than 300 children from high school in a region where no high school graduation of an indigenous child was recorded prior to Xela AID’s arrival!

Our Headquarters

In Guatemala, Xela AID is headquartered in San Martín Chiquito about 30 minutes outside Quetzaltenango, or Xela (Shay-la) Guatemala. Stateside, our office is on Ocean Boulevard in Long Beach, California.

Learn More About Us!

Xela AID Brief History
View our most recent Impact Report
Meet our Board of Directors and Advisors and Staff
Meet our Valued Partners
Check out our most recent Financials
Contact Us


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